More Garden Stuff and Exams

I finished my first attempt at a diaper bag. It's pretty cute, but really a horrible sewing job. I think the pattern is defective... :) I had to bunch up the sides b/c the zipper material was too small to span the gap on the sides (if that makes sense, which it probably doesn't). And I was really careful about cutting all the pieces exactly to size. I'll probably try 2 more with a different material that is bulkier and darker. The material that I used was just some leftovers from a table runner/placemat project. I also installed a new zipper in an old sleeper of Rhianwen's...that was hard too. I'm still not sure how I was supposed to do it, but it seems like it's in and will work. I wish Wally's mom was closer to us so she could just give me lessons. Instead I just have to teach myself and look online and feel dumb and produce defective but still useful items.

The front.

The top and inside.

We've been loving all the new blooms around the yard. I just love these huge bushes we have (might be Viburnum?) .

A flower on a vine on our lovely chain link.

Wally is beginning to see his garden grow. We have peas, string beans, corn, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and squash all sprouting at various stages.



We're also excited to see that we have a bunch of blackberry bushes! I LOVE blackberry muffins.

We found yet another strange spider (he's smack in the middle of that goopy gross looking stuff).


Wally's final exam and project presentation are on Friday, so PLEASE be praying for him! It's going to be a "nightmare" week for him. I can't wait until it is done!


Heather Iverson May 25, 2008 at 8:02 PM  

I think the diaper bag looks great. You are too hard on yourself! :o) Even the zipper looks good!
