Hurray for flexible molding!

So this weekend we took a trip to the Habitat Restore where we found a solid wood door for the pocket door between the family room and kitchen. It even already is ready for a good pocket door latch to be attached. We were excited about it being solid wood b/c it will block noise from our movies, music, activities from the rest of the house (from sleeping babies for example). Plus, since our fam room doubles as a guest bedroom, it will give much more privacy that a few pieces of wood nailed together to a too small door (which was there before to close kitty in at night). If our guests do stay overnight, we plan to keep kitty out of the fam room, but will have to find a temp place for her litter box and food since it is in a family room closet. But I digress.

I also painted the cabinets above the fridge and below the pass through, moved stuff into them (hard to figure out what to put in them! we have so much storage space for kitchen/dining stuff now!), managed to find 4 more boxes to put in the attic, and managed to make a plan for not using the huge ugly filing cabinets that we have. I just would hate to ruin the family room with them.

Wally put the doors on the cabinets above the fridge too, now we just need handles.

Lastly, we found flexible molding at the restore, which I brilliantly suggested might work for the arch. It did work easily, and Wally is SO thrilled.


nannykim January 28, 2008 at 4:21 AM  

Wow--that is great that you found all of that stuff--what progress!! Can't wait to see it all in person at some point!!

Chip March 13, 2008 at 9:51 PM  

That arch looks awesome. Now, you need gargoyles.
