All I wanted for Christmas...

Well, all I wanted for Christmas was for this house to be DONE! Ha, what a thought. But alas, we have not been able to complete it. Mostly for budgetary and time constraint reasons. It seems that every month, there is at least 1 if not more $200+ unforeseen expense! How this happens every month is beyond my understanding, but it's happened consistently since August. Thus it has been difficult to even save anything toward finishing. In addition, Rhianwen is scheduled to have surgery in January, and we are working on trying to get an estimate on how much that is going to cost. I'm sure not a small amount given that the consult cost close to $400! It's insane what the famously technically elite can charge, but I'd rather have her life in the best hands. In the meantime, I'm going to double check with the hospital to see if we were charged correctly.

OKAY! So, this post hasn't been much except for my woeful complaints. I truly am thrilled that we are in our own house and that God has provided for all of our needs even the unexpected ones. He is good, and His timing and ways are perfect.

This week, I painted the hallway closets, raked half of the yard (MOUNTAINS of leaves), bought the wrong screws for putting the handles on the kitchen drawers, and we decorated for Christmas.

An empty closet, how quaint.

Here are some of my favorite Christmas ornaments:

A little tea set from my Aunt Sue (I used to collect bears and she was smart enough to give me something cute and practical by sticking to Christmas decorations). This is currently on the kitchen table/desk.

A snowflake I crocheted.

Our Carolina Saffire Tree. SO homey!

The wisemen (pretend that Jesus is there....ha!)

Baby's First Christmas (Rhianwen's first ornament from last year).

Rhianwen kissed all of the ornaments before hanging them. This ornament was Wally's "Baby's first Christmas" ornament.


nannykim December 5, 2007 at 5:37 PM  

Beautiful tree---I was so inspired by Rhi's pancake picture on the other post that last night I had to have pancakes and bacon for supper (gluten free ones) and I bought Dad and the Bible Study some chocolate covered oreos (the mint ones!!!)
