After taking time off...

We have slowly made our way out of birthday mode and back into reno mode. This week was definitely slower paced, and it may be that way for a bit. The major decision we made was that we got our floor joists treated for a powder post beetle infestation. The exterminators said they thought it was possible that it is no longer active, but we decided it wasn't worth the risk of having our house eaten from under us. The treatment was stinky, and spending the night in the house was not the best choice we've ever made. The smell wasn't really horrible, but it was enough that sleeping in it overnight made me feel headachy and sick for half the next day. I feel really bad that we stayed, but the exterminators said it would be fine!

Other progress that we made was that some of Wally's coworkers very graciously moved our piano into place when they came over for a tour! I was so so happy when I came home and found the wall just inside of our front door empty and ready for painting. I have painted the primer and first paint coat. One more coat on the wall and trim, and the living room will be done! As I was painting, there was a big huge Mexican party rocking (strobe lights and all) at the far end of our street so I got to here some great Latin music ;0) It actually wasn't too noisy in our house, but I'm sure the neighbors next door were glad it ended at 10pm!

We also worked some more on the family room, priming, sheetrocking, and mudding.

And Wally took loads of trash to the dump. We no longer have a trash heap in our backyard!!!! Hooraaay!

Clear entryway!

Piano in place! The pic's a little dark b/c it was taken at night, and some genius who designed the house plan did not include an overhead light, something we hope to rectify eventually. Don't worry, the rug is going in the family room. Sadly, I will have to find a new rug for the living room since the greens are too brown for the living room color now. Also, the other couch will go in the family room too!


nannykim October 18, 2007 at 5:08 AM  

In the old days they usually didn't put over head lights in the sitting rooms---why, I wonder??
